hellow and welcome to my site! i have no idea how to code but this is fun. Sorry it looks like shit lol. LAtely i have been big on the doing shit thing. I have spent too much time thinking about how bad i am at things. who gives a fishass. the world is a big warm tub of things that people aren't too confident about but spat out anyway and thats what makes it such a cool place to swim in. bunch of untalented little fishasses. I love being here. If you are not very cool and not very perfect please stick around. i want to see you. teheehehhehe

love, fishbot XD

_ tired of starting sentences with "I"

float or powderize

hallo, welcome in! XD

i havent figured out how to collect the comments from my comment box so feel free to chat with the expansive Out There. I won't be able to see them. Leave something true and meaningful. but don't forget to take a screenshot and email it to 777vaughant@gmail.com before you send it to the digital emptiness.JKCHATBOXFIXED GO FORTH AND PROSPER!
this is a fun video about fishmen