
hellow and welcome to my site! i have no idea how to code but this is fun. Sorry it looks like shit lol. LAtely i have been big on the doing shit thing. I have spent too much time thinking about how bad i am at things. who gives a fishass. the world is a big warm tub of things that people aren't too confident about but spat out anyway and thats what makes it such a cool place to swim in. bunch of untalented little fishasses. I love being here. If you are not very cool and not very perfect please stick around. i want to see you. teheehehhehe

love, fishbot XD

inspired by dimwit - click the guy below!

I've been trying to get somewhere. Maybe that means opening something up. Here we are, thank you for being here.

this site is going to look like shit for a long while but I'll keep adding stuff

if you ever truly loved me please don't look at this on a mobile device


dont think too hard about it

hover hereclick for my favorite page on this site

I have been trying

  • To think less
  • To be kinder
  • To be okay with my lack of control over things. I love you
  • To think less
  • I want to be something more physical than grasping for thoughts and reflection... make shit

    some other pages:

    suggestion box

    try these out

  • look in the mirror for twelve minutes
  • drop something off at my doorstep
  • trace fingertip with a small rock
  • dip a cracker in something
  • listen harder
  • click for